Predrag Pavlov Sekulović entered the world of art and applied arts thirty years ago. He gained his first experience at art workshops in Italy and Greece. He has accomplished a noteworthy artwork comprising academic art, interior design, wall painting and icon-painting.
Having learnt his artistic craftsmanship in the cradles of Eastern and Western European civilizations, he brushed up on ancient techniques of wall painting, gilding, encaustics and diverse plaster and stucco techniques, that have proven their durability over hundreds of years.
With an ease of renaissance masters, Predrag Sekulović leaves mark both through the academic realist painting and the ancient Byzantine icon-painting and interior decoration.
His designer solutions for the interior conjure special visual experience with the observer. He decorates and arranges floors, ceilings, walls and interior space using colours, material, furniture and the light source to indulge the rhythm, composition, proportion etc. His work stands out by its fine and unique character, good form, exceptional features and skilful use of material.
He certainly built a recognizable artistic style. Such intermingling of Byzantine, renaissance and baroque styles is clearly discernible in his paintings and icons and even more so in his interior design work. Predrag’s dedication to this is evident as he daringly stoops to combine the elements of these styles. As a result, observers and art consumers remain breathless, as if having entered into another time dimension or as he would say: “living in a painting”. He uses patina, the technique of old masters and believes that interior design should be done only once and left to the succeeding generations, as this will retain the sweet mystique of descendants sensing their ancestors.
At exhibitions that he actively participates in, he draws attention with his portraits, landscapes, ornamented books and miniatures. His work has adorned and perfected homes and art collections both in our country and worldwide.
A wholehearted recommendation to warm your heart and home!